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Koncerty Miku z roku 2018

Hatsune Miku with You 2018 Shanghai (1080p) [初音ミク]
Hatsune Miku Concerts

Hatsune Miku with You 2018 Shanghai (1080p) [初音ミク]

MIKU WITH YOU 2018 Koncert w Szanghaju 13-14 października 2018 Tytuł eventu: "MIKU WITH YOU 2018" Śpiewają: - Hatsune Miku - Kagamine Rin - Kagamine Len - Megurine Luka - MEIKO - KAITO Spis utworów: № Japanese, Romaji Chinese, Pinyin English Singer Producer 01 みくみくにしてあげる♪ (Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪) I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals) Miku ika 02 ビバハピ (Viva Happy) Viva Happy Miku Mitchie M 03 ヒビカセ (Hibikase) Resonate Miku Giga-P Audience Greeting 04 アンノウン・マザーグース (Unknown Mother-Goose) Unknown Mother Goose Miku wowaka 05 越过海岸线 Crossing The Croastline Miku kz(livetune), Mes. 06 Glow Glow Miku keeno 07 あったかいと (Attakaito) Warm Kaito KAITO halyosy 08 Nostalogic Nostalgic MEIKO yuukiss 09 タイムマシン (Time Machine) Time Machine Miku 1640mP (164 and 40mP) 10 白い雪のプリンセスは (Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa) The Snow White Princess is Miku Noboru↑-P 11 ゆめゆめ (YUMEYUME) Dream Dream Miku DECO*27 12 No Logic No Logic Luka JimmyThumb-P 13 それがあなたの幸せとしても (Sore ga Anata no Shiawase to Shite mo) Even If It's Your Happiness Luka Heavenz Kagamine Rin and Len 10th Anniversary Special Introduction 14 ロキ (Roki) Roki Rin, Len Mikito-P 15 8HIT 8HIT Rin, Len Jesus-P (Wonderful☆Opportunity) 16 劣等上等 (Rettou Joutou) BRING IT ON!/ Inferiority Superiority Rin, Len Giga-P 17 ジェミニ (Gemini) Gemini Rin, Len Dixie Flatline Band Member Introduction 18 Satisfaction Satisfaction Miku kz(livetune) 19 気まぐれメルシィ (Kimagure Mercy) Kimagure Mercy/ Whimsical Mercy Miku Hachioji-P 20 初嵐 (Chūlán) First Storm Miku DECO*27 21 ワールドイズマイン (World is Mine) World Is Mine Miku ryo(supercell) 22 letter song Letter Song Miku doriko Encore 23 Pick Me Up Pick Me Up Miku Producer's name is missing 24 Tell Your World Tell Your World Miku kz(livetune) 25 ODDS&ENDS ODDS&ENDS Miku ryo(supercell)
[FULL HD] Vsinger Live 2018 - Vocaloid Live Concert
VIV - Vocaloid Live Concert

[FULL HD] Vsinger Live 2018 - Vocaloid Live Concert

VSINGER LIVE 2018 Date: July 20, 2018 Company: Shanghai HENIAN Information Technology Co. Ltd. Featuring: Luo Tianyi (洛 天依; Luò Tiānyī) YANHE (言和; Yánhé) Yuezheng Ling (乐正 绫; Yuèzhèng Líng) Yuezheng Longya (乐正 龙牙; Yuèzhèng Lóngyá) Mo Qingxian (墨 清弦; Mò Qīngxián) Zhiyu Moke (徵羽 摩柯; Zhǐyŭ Mókē) 22 and 33 featured in BML The Vsinger cast appears for the first day of bilibili Macro Link 2018 at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China. The cast performed 25 songs in total 1.connect~心的连接 (洛天依) 2.达拉崩吧(洛天依.言和) 3.hear me(首发新曲.整合[无言和]) 4.夜舞(洛天依) 5.追光使者(洛天依) 6.漂亮面对(洛天依.新曲) 7.梦之雨 (言和) 8.梦语 (乐正绫) 9.In your breath (乐正龙牙) 10.权御天下(洛天依) 11.千年食谱颂 (洛天依) 12.一半一半(洛天依.言和.乐正绫) 13.夏日活荔(洛天依.新曲) 14.牵丝戏(言和.新曲) 15.霜雪千年 (乐正绫.洛天依) 16.虚拟少年(徽羽柯摩) 17.Ace (墨清弦) 18.透过时间光影(首发新曲.乐正龙牙) 19.未来的我(乐正绫.新曲) 20.官网未公布(洛天依) 预测:官方代言某饮料的夏日歌曲 21.嘘つきは恋のはじまり(洛天依) 22.夢想→World→歌唱(洛天依) 23.普通的disco(整合) 24.为了你唱下去(洛天依) 25.黑风凯歌(大天狗) 26.2233顺(2233娘.首发新歌) 27.双眼(22.33娘) 28.与你同行(22.33娘.2017年拜年祭)
MIKU EXPO 2018 - AUSTIN, TEXAS POV - July 08, 2018  ミクエキスポ2018  - オースティン、テキサス州
Miku Fan USA

MIKU EXPO 2018 - AUSTIN, TEXAS POV - July 08, 2018 ミクエキスポ2018 - オースティン、テキサス州

#Miku Expo 2018,#ミクエキスポ2018 - オースティン、テキサス州,#Austin Texas Miku Expo Concert RE-UPLOADED ON 02-16-2021 DUE TO COPYRIGHT TAKE DOWN OF "DECORATOR" (kz Livetune), WHICH IS NOW COPYRIGHT PROTECTED. THERE IS A 4 MINUTE "GENERIC" MUSIC SELECTION IN THIS VIDEO NOW. SORRY. NOT MY CHOICE. *I OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS VIDEO. ALL PHOTOS AND VIDEO CLIPS IN THIS VIDEO I PERSONALLY OWN AND PRODUCED. *I DO NOT REPRESENT CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC, PIOPRO, INC. OR VOCALOIDS *I MAKE NO MONEY WITH THIS VIDEO. *ALL RIGHTS ARE OWNED BY CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC. AND ME PERSONALLY (not that I really care about this, honestly). YouTube and Crypton, PLEASE DO NOT give me a copyright hit! I simply wanted to provide the Miku fandom with the amateur video I shot before, during and after the Austin Texas MIKU EXPO concert on July 08, 2018. IF ANYTHING, I hope that my video will only increase the number of Miku Fans here in the USA, as well as throughout the world! ALSO, if you take over ownership of this video, leave my tags so people can find the video, thanks! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello fellow Hatsune Miku Fans! What an AMAZING performance by Miku, Luka, Rin, Len, Meiko and Kaito in Austin last month! WOW! Yes, once again, the Vocaloid "train" rolled into North America, as we here in the United States and Mexico enjoyed another concert series by Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, Meiko and Kaito. And what a concert! The Austin, Texas venue of the H-E-B center was large, and obviously the building has multi-uses, including an ice rink, concert venue and entertainment center. As such, the sound quality of the concert was not "the best" as the sound reverb'ed throughout the large, cavernous interior. Due to the massive size of the building, there were open seats all around, and approximately 1/2 of the VIP standing room only area in front of the stage was open. It's a big space. This being said, the crowds were totally into it, and the performance by the Vocaloids went off "without a hitch". I had VIP access, though I chose a seat initially to set up my really good video camera on a tripod to film the entire concert. BUT, just after Anamanaguchi performed, a very polite Japanese security guard on the VIP floor spotted my camera and tripod, and kindly asked me to remove it. I had no issue in doing so, and then proceeded to set up my cell phone on the tripod to film using that (which was allowed in these US concerts). The sound and video quality was not nearly as good as the real video camera... I then left the chair and went into the VIP section to dance and sing, leaving my cell camera just run. Most of this video is the film shot I took with the cell phone throughout the concert. However, you will no doubt enjoy my "walk through" of the crowds waiting in the long lines, as well as the photos I shot prior to the concert. There are other videos of the concerts that are far better than mine. However, near the conclusion of the concert I returned to the tripod and cell phone, grabbing it to film the conclusion of the concert from the VIP section. I wanted Sakura no Ame, a great song. This I did, and we partied the rest of the night away. I had a 3.5 hour LONG drive back to Dallas then, returning to my hotel after 2:15 AM. Anamanaguchi band again performed a 35 minute warm-up set prior to the Vocaloids taking the stage at the HEB that evening. The crowd got really rocking by then! The weather was HOT and HUMID, with heat indices reaching into the 100 degree F region. The long crowd lines, one for VIP, one for regular admission, were respectful of each other, and began forming up many, many hours prior to the doors opening at 8 pm. You will see this in my video. Then it rained.... Hard, and quite long, with thunder and lightening to boot. We all got soaked. I felt bad for the cosplayers. As you see in this video, I traveled from Minnesota for the concerts - and took you along with me to the John F. Kennedy memorial and historical areas of Dallas. I then enjoyed a dinner of Tex-Mex and then the concert day was proceeded by attending the "Miku Paint" event in Mesquite, Texas where I met the Crypton Future Media President Ito-san. He was very gracious and excited to be there! But this Austin concert was my 8th live Vocaloid concert. Also, you will see in the video I did my best to "get the crowd going" prior to the concert, as well as taking 100's of photos, are you in one of my photos??? If not, you missed a great concert and night! It was fun to have many of the attending fans recognize me, BASED ON MY VOICE ONLY! That's kinda scary to me! I will never forget the experiences of Austin and Dallas! Thank you to CFM and the fans for giving me lifelong memories of Miku Expo 2018! - Miku Fan USA
[VIP View] Hatsune Miku Concert 2018 Los Angeles HD 1080P 60FPS Full Length

[VIP View] Hatsune Miku Concert 2018 Los Angeles HD 1080P 60FPS Full Length

If you want to support me, I can use some followers on my IG: If you want to use my video or upload it to any other website, please ask for permission and let me know which website you uploading to. Song list provided by Los Angeles Concert Setlist 01. Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru by ika ft. Hatsune Miku 02. Senbonzakura by KurousaP ft. Hatsune Miku 03. Ghost Rule by DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku MIKU EXPO 2018 INTRO 04. AgeAge Again by Mitchie M ft. Hatsune Miku 05. Meltdown by iroha(sasaki) ft. Kagamine Rin 06. Dappou Rock by Neru ft. Kagamine Len 07. Doctor=Funk Beat by nyanyannya ft. KAITO 08. Boukyaku Shinjuu by OPA ft. MEIKO 09. glow by keeno ft. Hatsune Miku 10. Through the Night by Slushii ft. Hatsune Miku 11. Romeo and Cinderella by doriko ft. Hatsune Miku 12. Envy Catwalk by Tohma ft. Hatsune Miku 13. Can’t Make A Song!! by MatrixMarioX ft. Hatsune Miku 14. Double Lariat by Agoaniki ft. Megurine Luka 15. 8HIT by JesusP ft. Kagamine Rin & Len 16. Remote Control by JesusP ft. Kagamine Rin & Len 17. Gemini by Dixie Flatline ft. Kagamine Rin & Len Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! (BAND INTRO) 18. Satisfaction by kz(livetune) ft. Hatsune Miku 19. Kimagure Mercy by HachioujiP ft. Hatsune Miku 20. Luka Luka★Night Fever by samfree ft. Megurine Luka 21. World is Mine by ryo(supercell) ft. Hatsune Miku 22. Sakura no Ame by halyosy ft. Hatsune Miku 23. Decade by Dixie Flatline ft. Hatsune Miku ENCORE 24. Dune by Hachi ft. Hatsune Miku 25. Miku by Anamanaguchi ft. Hatsune Miku 26. Tell Your World by kz(livetune) ft. Hatsune Miku 27. Melt by ryo(supercell) ft. Hatsune Miku . Youtube downgrades the video resolution by a lot, the original file is over 24GB, sadly I cant share that with you guys. Anyways, another great year another great performance by Miku and the band, I do have some before the concert and after the concert footage but not enough time to edit, maybe I will post them later in the future.
IA Party a GO-GO FINAL TOUR & Premier "ARIA"  2018

IA Party a GO-GO FINAL TOUR & Premier "ARIA" 2018

IA's "PARTY A GO-GO" WORLD TOUR FINAL & PREMIERE of "ARIA" Koncert IA i ONE, który odbył się w Tokio 3 kwietnia 2018 r. Tytuł eventu: IA's "PARTY A GO-GO" WORLD TOUR FINAL & PREMIERE of "ARIA" Śpiewają: - IA - ONE - jumicchi Spis utworów: № Japanese, Romaji English Singer Producer 01 Inner Arts Inner Arts IA Jin Audience Greeting and MC 02 SEE THE LIGHTS SEE THE LIGHTS IA STY 03 We gotta run We gotta run IA, jumicchi jumicchi 04 Shooting Star Shooting Star IA TeddyLoid, KURIS, YUICHI NAKASE 05 夜咄ディセイブ (Yobanashi Deceive) (TeddyLoid Hopping Remix) Night Tales Deceive (TeddyLoid Hopping Remix) IA Jin, TeddyLoid 06 憧憬~DOUKEI~ (Doukei ~DOUKEI~) Doukei ~DOUKEI~ IA BACK-ON, out of survice 07 セツナドライブ (Setsuna Drive) Setsuna Drive IA 9mm Parabellum Bullet Start GO BACK TO IA Segment and ONE MC 08 Invisible Lovers Invisible Lovers IA TeddyLoid 09 アスノヨゾラ哨戒班 (Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan) Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow IA Orangestar 10 六兆年と一夜物語 (Roku-chou Nen to Ichiya Monogatari) Six Trillion Years and One Night Story IA kemu End GO BACK TO IA Segment and IA & ONE MC 11 Reload Reload IA, ONE out of survice 12 てるみい (Tell Me) Tell Me IA, ONE Ishifuro 13 チルドレンレコード (Children Record) Children Record IA Jin 14 アウターサイエンス (Outer Science) Outer Science IA Jin 15 Euphoria Euphoria IA Jin MC 16 アメリカ (America) ~We are all right!~ America ~We are all right!~ IA Jin Encore, ARIA Trailer, and MC 17 オツキミリサイタル (Otsukimi Recital) Moon-viewing recital IA Jin MC 18 Diamond Days Diamond Days IA out of survice
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